*See the Farm*

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Snowy Afternoon

I appologize from the start for the poor quality of these shots

Winter is here. The snows have come, gone, and are due to be here again.
The sheep are all wearing their winter's best and look so warm and fluffy in the fields or taking a peek around the barn.
 This past week was just a wonder of snow and a promise of spring to come. I saw birds in the trees which are usually bare, and was even blessed one morning with song!
 I know that the infamous "THEY" are forecasting more snow this week. But I also know what THEY may not!We are now in February. Ha!! Next month is March and according to Punxsutawney Phil Spring will be here early Folks!

So dust off those spring time thoughts, and break out your seed trays. Go on out and buy your seeds to start indoors.
I, for one, am going to ignore these last bits of winter that is going to get thrown at us. I am going to fight it all with Vitamin D,  raw milk, raw foods, and good, healthy, living! Join me, I always hate to be alone.

 Only 42 days until Spring!!!!!!!

~Pine Grove Farm