*See the Farm*

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Auntie Em!!

Although we  never quite felt the need to run for the storm cellar,  (and we never did see that woman flying by on a bike.. . ) , the storm that hit our area last week was freakish to say the least, and reminded us all of the fact that God is on His throne and in control, to say the most.

Storm warnings went out on the radio and telly. But that is something we get a few times a season, so no big worry there. The Farmer was working on his  Loader  down near the creek bottom and the Farmer's Wife was in the house.

The storm hit. It was the strangest storm in our memory. First the rain would come in from the left and hit the windows, then it would swirl around and come in from the right, THEN it would change direction once again and hit us straight on. Some parts in the area look as if a tornado touched down, ripped up the trees, and went away. Once things began to look dangerous, the Farmer's Wife thought it'd be most prudent to position herself in the most structurally sound area of the house. She figured SURELY The Farmer would be coming in any minute. He didn't.

The Farmer was in the creek bottom. It has very narrow, steep walls and most of the storm was going right over his head. He was just working away on the loader.
The Wife calls the Farmer on his cell "Are you alright???"
"What do you mean, 'am I alright?' " he asks

Just at about that point the storm hit him. Hard. He immediately lifted the tracks off of the ground so that he'd stop being a conductor. (That whole lightening thing) Once that was done, he still had to wait out the storm because he was under the trees and debris was falling all over and on top of the loader. Large branches were falling from trees and some of our oldest trees snapped right off near the base.

Once the storm appeared to be letting up. The Farmer decided to make  a run for the house. He didn't get far. When he was in  the open field, the Storm came back with all of it's ferocity. He made a bee line to the barn, and there he waited out the rest of the Storm. At least there, he was in view of the house and The Wife could see he was, indeed, safe.


This picture was taken after the storm had passed. Can you see the rainbow?)

In the quiet of the Storm's passing, we realized it was TOO quiet. You know, the kind of no-electrical-motors-running kind of quiet. Yup, you guessed it. We were without power.
                                              For NINE hours.
We lost over 35 gallons of milk along with everything else.
On the good side? We have some of the best cow share holders who were all very understanding and concerned. Everyone was quite understanding to the problem.

These next ones all happened to the same tree, right where most of our animals either live, or are worked. This tree just split in areas and dropped a few large limbs

Here is where the cows line up to be milked, and to hang out in general. Although you can't get too good of a scope, it really is a large branch:

Just a small amount of the debris we had to deal with:

Thank you for all of you concern, understanding, and patience during the power outage folks!

Just a final reminder from God that He keeps His promises:

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