*See the Farm*

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

*Update Policies*

We hope that this letter finds everyone doing well and enjoying their summer. This letter is to inform you of some important changes to the farm's policies. We have had to change certain aspects of the policies due to the growing number of customers we have visiting the farm on a daily basis. These new policies will be implemented immediately and we ask that you observe these new policies on all future visits to the farm in order to keep the farm safe and enjoyable for everyone.

  1. The farm has changed the hours of operation to 9am - 7pm Monday - Saturday and 12pm - 4pm on Sunday. The driveway is gated and the farm will only be accessible during the farm's hours of operation. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you need to make a pick-up after closing, we ask that you make prior arrangements at least 24 hours in advance. In addition, if you call the farm after hours, please leave a message and your call will be returned the following day. 
  2.  Please observe the 10mph speed limit and keeps vehicles on the driveway. This helps Mr. Wisecarver to maintain the road & ditches for water control, and helps keep the dust down.  The farm is providing a safe place- sometimes there are children walking in the driveway. Please keep in mind that we have several animals that are not fenced in and have access to the driveway that we do not wish to be hit.
  3. We ask that you keep your children with you at arms length at all times. This is to ensure their safety. We have many pieces of farm equipment out in the open that pose a possible threat to their safety and we are  finding that some of the pieces of equipment are missing important parts. We also have a variety of animals and some of these animals do not cope very well with strangers. Contact with strangers negatively affects their health.  We depend on our animals as a source of income and we don't want their health affected. While in the farm shop, we ask that you not allow your little ones to touch the times we have on consignment from other businesses. This will help to ensure that the farm will not have to pay for any damages.
  4. Everyone, when signing for the Cow Share Program, was given 3 sets of milk jars per share. This is to ensure that there is a set of jars per share at the farm every week.   We  are currently having a problem with jars not being returned, and missing lids on returned jars. If lids are not on the jars, there is always a possibility of dirt and contamination prior to filling the jar with milk .In the past, Pine Grove Farm has supplied extra jars to the Cow Share Owner when the owners have not returned their weekly jars. We have done so in order that the full quantity of the share can be filled for the Cow Share Owner the following week. We will no longer be able to provide this free service of the extra, free, jars due to the increase of cost. Pine Grove Farm will only fill the jars returned for the following week, unless the share owner continues to have their 3rd set of jars here at the farm.  The third set is to ensure that, if the jars are not returned for that week, the following week your share will be filled per the contract.  Every Cow Share Owner should have an extra set of jars here at the farm per share at all times. 

We  understand that there are many exciting things to see here at the farm, but we ask that you respect our time as we are very busy here  everyday and rarely have a moment to spare. We don't want to offend anyone, or come across as being rude, so we are in the process of finalizing a calendar of events with specific days that well allow  you and your family to spend some times here at the farm and get to know us and our farm hands better. We are not trying to ignore anyone; we are just extremely busy trying to make Pine Grove Farm more productive.

Please keep your eyes open for the calendar of events and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with the new policies.

Jeff & Teresa
The Farmer & The Farmer's Wife


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