*See the Farm*

Friday, October 22, 2010

Leaves Aren't the Only Thing Falling ...

Well friends, it looks as if we'll be getting some new pork in next week! That's such good news for you because that means (drum roll) we're cleaning out the freezer down in the Farm Shop!!

Without further ado, here's the updated Meat Prices. This list is only good for as long as it's there folks, so get it while the gettin's good! =)

Pine Grove Farm
Now Available All Natural Beef, Pork, Lamb

White Stand Up Freezer

1st Shelf Rabbit $4.75 lb.
Chicken 4.25 lb.
. Pork Loin Roast 4.54 lb.

2nd Shelf Beef Arm Roast 3.59 lb.
Beef Rib Steak 5.24 lb.
Beef Silver Tip Roast 4.89 lb.
Beef Sirloin Steak 5.24 lb.
Beef Delmonico Steak 9.59 lb.
Beef T-Bone Steak 5.24 lb.
Beef Liver 2.99 lb

3rd Shelf Pork Tenderloin 6.24 lb.
Lamb Loin Roast 13.99 lb.
Lamb Crown Roast 13.99 lb.
Lamb Chops 9.59 lb.
Lamb Shanks 7.99 lb.
Lamb Ribs 10.99 lb.

Small Drawer Parmesan Cheese 6.99 lb.

4th Shelf Beef Short Ribs 3.05 lb.

Bottom Drawer Beef Ground Sirloin 4.89 lb.

Door Beef Soup Bones 3.24 lb.
Beef Ox Tail 3.24 lb.
Bread Country White Wheat 5.50 loaf
Flour Fresh Mill Hard Red Wheat

Revised 10/22/2010

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